
Hi, My name is Fiaz Husyn .I am web developer by trade, I started off as hobbyist back when tables were all the rage, Netscape was the cool kid and Google was not all that hot. Journey hasn’t been all that straight, I started off as a designer and along the way gradually converted to a developer. In fact a decade back, I dived full fledged into being a developer. I have expertise in PHP, MySql, HTML, CSS, XML. I have built applicationsĀ  websites from ground up as well by using APIs of Facebook, Twitter, G+, Amazon, eBay, & PayPal.

For last few years I have been working with WordPress, I have developed themes, plugins and complete website projects. This blog is all about tips, tricks and hacks of WordPress, although you may find few general development talks but I started writing this blog primarily to address the questions that my clients face all the time.

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